Day 2 of DevOps

Day 2 of DevOps



6 min read

Linux is a free and open-source operating system kernel that serves as the core component of various Linux-based operating systems, commonly referred to as Linux distributions (or distros). It was initially created by Linus Torvalds in 1991 and has since grown into a highly popular and versatile platform used for a wide range of purposes.

Here are some of the key aspects of Linux and its uses:

  1. Open Source and Free: Linux is open source, which means its source code is freely available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute. Most Linux distributions are also entirely free to download and use. This open nature encourages collaboration and innovation.

  2. Multi-Platform: Linux can run on a variety of hardware platforms, from personal computers to servers, embedded systems, mobile devices, and supercomputers. It's highly adaptable and can be tailored to specific needs.

  3. Stability and Reliability: Linux is known for its stability and reliability. It's commonly used in server environments where continuous uptime is critical. The design of Linux minimizes crashes and system failures.

  4. Security: Linux is known for its robust security features. It includes user privilege management, firewalls, access controls, and regular security updates. This makes it a preferred choice for secure server operations.

  5. Customizability: Linux allows users to customize their operating system to suit their specific requirements. Users can choose from a wide range of desktop environments, package managers, and software to create a system that best fits their needs.

  6. Community and Support: The Linux community is vast and supportive. You can find extensive documentation, online forums, and communities to seek help, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects.

  7. Server Operating System: Linux is widely used as a server operating system, powering a significant portion of the internet. Popular server distributions include Ubuntu Server, CentOS, and Debian.

  8. Desktop Operating System: Linux can be used as a desktop operating system, providing alternatives to proprietary systems like Windows and macOS. Popular desktop distributions include Ubuntu, Fedora, and Linux Mint.

  9. Development and Programming: Many software developers and programmers prefer Linux as their development environment. It provides a robust terminal, a wide range of development tools, and compatibility with various programming languages.

๐Ÿง Embracing the Power of Linux as a DevOps Engineer ๐Ÿง

As a DevOps engineer, the world of Linux is a place we call home. It's the foundation of our work, and it's where the magic happens. In this blog post, I want to dive into why Linux is so essential in the DevOps world and share some insights into how we make the most of it.

The Command Line: Our Playground ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ

One of the most iconic features of Linux is the command line interface. For DevOps engineers, the terminal is where we weave our spells and craft our solutions. It's the gateway to automation, configuration management, and so much more.

The ability to write scripts, run commands, and interact with the system directly is a superpower that DevOps engineers harness daily. Whether it's Bash, Python, or other scripting languages, Linux empowers us to automate tasks, manage infrastructure, and maintain consistency.

Package Management: Keeping It All Together ๐Ÿ“ฆ

Linux distributions provide robust package management systems (like APT, Yum, and others) that make software installation and updates a breeze. DevOps engineers leverage these package managers to maintain the health of the system and ensure that software dependencies are met.

With containerization and orchestration tools like Docker and Kubernetes, Linux's package management becomes even more crucial in managing application dependencies and scaling applications.

Security and Permissions: Safeguarding the Fort ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ

Linux takes security seriously. DevOps engineers work diligently to configure and harden Linux systems to resist threats. We use firewalls, access control lists, and robust user management to protect our infrastructure.

Linux's file permission system is a cornerstone of security. Setting who can read, write, or execute files is a fundamental way to control access and maintain data integrity.

Open Source Philosophy: Collaboration and Innovation ๐ŸŒ

Linux embodies the open-source spirit. It's a collaborative ecosystem where DevOps engineers have access to a vast array of tools, software, and libraries. The open-source nature of Linux fosters innovation, and we contribute back to this thriving community by sharing our own scripts, tools, and best practices.

Automation: The DevOps Way ๐Ÿค–

DevOps is all about automation, and Linux is our canvas. We use configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef to automate system configuration, and scripts to deploy and manage applications. Linux's versatility allows us to automate tasks ranging from server provisioning to application deployment, saving time and reducing human error.

Troubleshooting and Debugging: Navigating Storms โš™๏ธ

In the world of DevOps, things don't always go as planned. Linux provides a rich set of debugging and troubleshooting tools, from log files to process monitoring, which help us diagnose issues and keep systems running smoothly.

Conclusion: Linux, the DevOps Swiss Army Knife ๐Ÿ”ง

In the DevOps realm, Linux is more than just an operating system. It's a toolkit that empowers us to build and manage complex, scalable, and secure infrastructures. It's a playground for scripting, a fortress for security, and a canvas for automation. Embracing Linux is not just a choice; it's a way of life for DevOps engineers.

So, whether you're a seasoned DevOps pro or just starting your journey, remember that Linux is your ally, your mentor, and your trusted companion on the road to efficient, reliable, and scalable infrastructure. ๐Ÿš€

What are your thoughts on Linux in DevOps? Share your experiences, tips, and favorite Linux tools in the comments below!

#DevOps #Linux #Automation #OpenSource #InfrastructureManagement

Listing commands ๐Ÿ”ง

ls option_flag arguments --> list the sub directories and files avaiable in the present directory


  • ls -l--> list the files and directories in long list format with extra information

  • ls -a --> list all including hidden files and directory

  • ls *.sh --> list all the files having .sh extension.

  • ls -i --> list the files and directories with index numbers inodes

  • ls -d */ --> list only directories.(we can also specify a pattern)

Directoy commands ๐Ÿ”ง

  • pwd --> print work directory. Gives the present working directory.

  • cd path_to_directory --> change directory to the provided path

  • cd ~ or just cd --> change directory to the home directory

  • cd - --> Go to the last working directory.

  • cd .. --> change directory to one step back.

  • cd ../.. --> Change directory to 2 levels back.

  • mkdir directoryName --> to make a directory in a specific location


mkdir newFolder              # make a new folder 'newFolder'

mkdir .NewFolder              # make a hidden directory (also . before a file to make it hidden)

mkdir A B C D                  #make multiple directories at the same time

mkdir /home/user/Mydirectory   # make a new folder in a specific location

mkdir -p  A/B/C/D              # make a nested directory